Sunday, February 22, 2009


When I was just a little one I used to get scared from some of the most stupid things. One of them was this dream that I would have at least once a week. In the dream I was sleeping and then I would have on out of body experience where I saw a man breaking through the downstairs patio window. The weird thing was we didn't have a downstairs patio window but none the less he came through it and he was holding a gun. He would then walk into my room and aim it at me and then I would wake up. This was a very scary dream that I would have all the time when I was younger. I think it relates to the book because the man is like the beast and I am like all the other little kids who have bad dreams about the beast. Young children are very imaginative so any little thing can scare them especially if they're on a deserted island. So thats one of my childhood fears that I can still remember.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Final post

I think technology has helped me in english 11. I really liked the google docs thing so I could send my essay to people and edit them online instead of having to print them out. I also liked the wiki pages because it was kind of a different type of project that you could be creative on. I think you should keep doing this for next semester I liked using the technology.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"There's daggers in men's smiles"

To me the saying "There's daggers in men's smiles" means the things people are thinking but don’t have the courage to say. This happens every day in every place you can think of but the place that I see it the most is in school. One that I saw not too long ago was when I heard a group of kids talking about a party they were going to go to over break but you couldn’t tell they were trying to exclude one of their friends. It could of been because he couldn’t go and they knew that already but you could just tell he was sad and mad at them for trying to plan something behind his back. Another one that you notice all the time is with girls. They will be all nice and friendly to each other and then as soon as one of them leaves they talk trash about one another. It’s always some dumb thing like what they’re wearing or there to tan or how they don’t care about each other’s problems even though they pretend they do. Although people think they are doing the right thing by talking behind someone’s back instead of to their face there not. Yah sure you don’t want to hurt their feelings but not telling them is worse than telling them. If they find out that you’re talking crap behind their back there going to be way madder then if you would have just told them what you really thought to their face. One time my sophomore year I had a problem with some people talking about me behind my back. I was on the golf team that year and I was doing pretty well but some of the upper classmen were kind of pissed that I was on it and they weren’t. Even though the team should be based on skill and scores they thought since they were seniors they should be on it no matter what. So as the year progressed they started talking bad about me behind my back but then to my face they would be all nice and friendly. By the end of the year I confronted them about them trash talking me and at first they just completely denied it even though I knew they were lying. Finally one of them just fessed up and told me why they were so pissed and how they thought they should be on the team and not me. We talked it all out and I explained to them that they should have just told me right away to my face why they were pissed and not tip toe around my feelings and talk behind my back. I also explained how I thought varsity golf and JV golf were pretty much the same thing just varsity was a little harder and that it doesn’t even matter what team you’re on. In the beginning "There's daggers in men's smiles" but by the end of the whole situation the daggers were gone and it was just a smile.