Sunday, February 22, 2009


When I was just a little one I used to get scared from some of the most stupid things. One of them was this dream that I would have at least once a week. In the dream I was sleeping and then I would have on out of body experience where I saw a man breaking through the downstairs patio window. The weird thing was we didn't have a downstairs patio window but none the less he came through it and he was holding a gun. He would then walk into my room and aim it at me and then I would wake up. This was a very scary dream that I would have all the time when I was younger. I think it relates to the book because the man is like the beast and I am like all the other little kids who have bad dreams about the beast. Young children are very imaginative so any little thing can scare them especially if they're on a deserted island. So thats one of my childhood fears that I can still remember.